
April Guild Meeting - Trashique by Nancy Judd

Tuesday, April 6th
Unitarian Church (Galisteo and Barcelona), Santa Fe
9:30 Social, 10:30 Program

Nancy Judd

A Toyota convertible soft-top jacket with electric wire “fur”, aluminum flowers and leaves from Coke cans sewn to a cocktail dress, garments made from phone book paper, cassette tapes, rusty nails, junk mail, and even crushed glass --- all by artist, Nancy Judd, to provide conservation education. Nancy went from recycling educator for the City of Santa Fe to the creation of her own company, Recycle Runway. Her “couture” creations have been exhibited in airports throughout the US and she has been commissioned by corporations such as Toyota and Coca-Cola. She created three garments from Obama campaign materials that were exhibited at the Green Inaugural Ball and other inaugural events, and the “Obamanos Coat” was selected for display in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC.

Nancy Judd will relate for us her truly fascinating story and exhibit and describe some of her creations. See her website at www.recyclerunway.com