
October Guild Meeting: Sheri Brautigam will present “Collecting Mexican Textiles”

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
9:30AM - NOON

“Collecting Mexican Textiles”
Sheri Brautigam will present “Collecting Mexican Textiles” - a program she did at Convergence this year.

Sheri has been a collector of textiles from Latin America since she was a university student in Mexico City in the 1960s. For 18 years she had a design studio creating textile products and taught design and marketing workshops in San Francisco, California. Currently she is documenting traditional in- digenous textiles in Mexico and supporting revival projects through ‘Living Textiles of Mexico’ her educational organization. She lives in Santa Fe and Oaxaca, Mexico.


Guild Potluck

Saturday, September 8th, 2012
at the home of Theresa Holmes

(reversing last year’s order)
Last names starting with A through J should bring a dessert
Last names starting with the letters K through Z
should bring an entrée or salad
The Hospitality Committee will provide drinks, ice, cups, paper plates, napkins and utensils.