
bring your IWC projects

It occurred to me that rather than present a report on IWC, our members would much rather see samples from the classes people took.  So, if it is not too much to ask, could the people who attended IWC bring things they made in class, or things done later as a result of class?  I am willing to bring my failed samples…and hopefully Helen will bring the samples which worked from Barbara Herbster’s class.-Su

Dues Are Due

As a new guild year starts don't forget to pay your dues!


Guild Potluk Picnic

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
10:30 am
Home of Theresa Holmes

Thanks to the hospitality of Theresa Holmes, members will be able to start the guild season with our now traditional potluck picnic in a new setting. It will be a chance to socialize, take care of some business, meet new friends, greet old friends, and meet the llamas.

Potluck (reversing last year's order)
· Last names starting with A through L should bring an entree or salad
· Last names starting with the letters M through Z should bring a dessert

Look for directions in your Sept. newsletter.